Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7931 Print Review 0091-3731 Pratt Graphics Center
7935 PrintMedia 1534-2115 North American Publishing Co
7932 Printing History 0192-9275 American Printing History Association
7933 Printing Impressions 0032-860X North American Publishing Co
7934 Printmaking Today 0960-9253 Farrand Press
41371 Prion 1933-6896 Taylor & Francis
122961 Priorités Santé 1628-2884 Comité Régional d'Education pour la Santé Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
176679 Priroda Académie des sciences (Russie)/IOP Science
115722 Prirodnye Resursy 1810-9810
110900 Pris-Ma : Recherches sur la Littérature d'Imagination au Moyen Age 0761-344X ERLIMA : l’Équipe de Recherches sur la Littérature d’Imagination au Moyen Âge
1989 Prisma.Com 1646-3153 CETAC.MEDIA
132034 Prismas. Revista de historia intelectual 1666-1508 Centro de Historia Intelectual - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
147152 Prismes. Théorie critique 2608-239X Éditions La Tempête
7936 Prison Journal 0032-8855 SAGE Publications
40271 Privacy & Security Law Report 1538-3431 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
7937 Private Investors Abroad 0090-9742 Matthew Bender & Co
157496 Pro Veterinario 0777-8309
1985 Pro-fono : revista de atualizacao cientifica 0104-5687 Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia
73210 ProHistoria 1514-0032 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
64109 Proa (Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges) 2314-3630 Fundación Internacional Jorge Luis Borges
18190 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 0266-8920 Elsevier
1990 Probability Surveys 1549-5787 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
18192 Probability Theory and Related Fields 0178-8051 Springer Verlag
164263 Probability and Mathematical Physics 2690-0998 MSP
23297 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
157184 Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Pol) 0208-4147
18191 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 0269-9648 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
133476 Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk 2095-9672 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
7939 Probate law journal / National College of Probate Judges and Boston University School of Law 0737-3112 Boston University School of Law
18193 Probation Journal 0264-5505 SAGE Publications
18194 Probe Microscopy 1355-185X Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
120636 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 1867-1306
137108 Problemata International Journal of Philosophy 1516-9219 GP Hermes/PPGF/UFPB/CNPq
157256 Probleme de Agrofitotehnie Teoretica si Aplicata 0254-7279
40273 Problemi dell'informazione 0390-5195 Società Editrice il Mulino
21441 Problemi na khigienata 0323-9179
181035 Problemos 1392-1126 Vilnius University Press
139393 Problems and Perspectives in Management 1727-7051 Business perspectives
18195 Problems in General Surgery 0739-8328 Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
20352 Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 1562-6016 National Science Center (Ukraine)
7940 Problems of Communism 0032-941X Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
7941 Problems of Economic Transition 1061-1991 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18196 Problems of Information Transmission 0032-9460 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
18197 Problems of Post-Communism 1075-8216 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19222 Problemy Prognozirovaniya / Studies on Russian Economic Development 1075-7007 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica (МАИК Наука/Интерпериодика)
21439 Problemy Sotsialnoi Gigieny i istoriia meditsiny 0869-866X
21438 Problemy Tuberkuleza i Boleznei Legkikh 1728-2993 Unknown
21440 Problemy kosmicheskoi biologii 0555-2788
115755 Problèmes Politiques et Sociaux - Articles et Documents d'Actualité Mondiale 0015-9743 La Documentation française
26948 Problèmes d'Amérique Latine 0765-1333 ESKA
87363 Problèmes économiques. Hors-série 2262-1423 La Documentation française
18198 Probus 0921-4771 De Gruyter
98494 Proccedings of the Prehistoric Society 0079-497X Cambridge University Press
63530 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier
85647 Procedia CIRP 2212-8271 ELSEVIER
151803 Procedia Chemistry 1876-6196 Elsevier
103927 Procedia Computer Science 1877-0509 Elsevier
78051 Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1878-5220 Elsevier
111053 Procedia Economics and Finance 2212-5671 Elsevier
62467 Procedia Engineering 1877-7058 Elsevier
107033 Procedia Environmental Sciences 1878-0296 Elsevier
80813 Procedia Food Science
74480 Procedia IUTAM 2210-9838 Elsevier
108859 Procedia Manufacturing 2351-9789 Elsevier
132598 Procedia Materials Science (Elsevier) Elsevier
110017 Procedia Structural Integrity 2452-3216 ESIS - Elsevier
121585 Procedia Technology 2212-0173 Elsevier
119679 Proceedings 2504-3900 MDPI
155887 Proceedings (AAAI Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference) 2326-909X
156659 Proceedings - Brighton Crop Protection Conference. Pests and Diseases 0955-1506
154959 Proceedings - International Conference on Engineering Design 2220-4334
120343 Proceedings - International Fertiliser Society 1466-1314
98057 Proceedings - Royal society. Biological sciences 1471-2954 The Royal society
21435 Proceedings / ... International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ; ISMB. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 1553-0833
21437 Proceedings / IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference. IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference
176760 Proceedings 31 ICRC Conference University of Łódź
1992 Proceedings Mathematical Sciences 0253-4142 Indian Academy of Sciences
11014 Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 0065-972X JSTOR
157171 Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 0525-5252
7942 Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 0316-4616
156214 Proceedings annual conference - Agronomy Society of New Zealand 0110-6589
112490 Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 0577-7240 Chicago Linguistic Society
140626 Proceedings from the Document Academy 2376-8908 The University of Akron
73638 Proceedings in Mathematics 2190-5614 Springer
157066 Proceedings of Japanese Society for Rumen Metabolism and Physiology 1340-6299
117525 Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 1938-7228 PMLR
28242 Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 0277-786X SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering
155988 Proceedings of a Seminar - Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc 0811-0743
104803 Proceedings of meetings on acoustics 1939-800X AIP/Scitation
176734 Proceedings of the 6th Planetary Radio Emissions Workshop Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
126813 Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 2577-6193 ACM
129354 Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2573-0142 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
132390 Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2474-9567 ACM
650450 Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data ACM
121679 Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems ACM
120491 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 2475-1421 ACM
7944 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science 0065-0684 JSTOR
18200 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York 1548-7237 JSTOR
18201 Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 0065-6798 JSTOR
7945 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 0199-9818